Sons of Norway Foundation
At the Sons of Norway Foundation, we are driven by a sense of purpose: to share and preserve Nordic heritage, to positively affect our members’ lives, and to make Sons of Norway communities better places to live. Since 1966, staying true to this purpose, we have been supporting our members through scholarships and cultural exchange opportunities, providing disaster relief to members in need, and funding community programs that celebrate Norwegian heritage and culture.
A donation to the Sons of Norway Foundation is a contribution to the positive impact we make through community, youth, educational, and cultural projects.
Sons of Norway Foundation Core Values
1. Building the heritage of the future
2. Sustaining the link to contemporary Norway
3.. Committing to life-long learning and service
4. Demonstrating compassion for those in need
5. Funding innovative individuals and opportunities
6. Fostering a cohesive community of generosity
Utepils Brewery
Though it’s of Norwegian origin, the word Utepils (pronounced “OOH-ta-pilz”) means something different for everyone. Why? Because it describes the “indescribable.” Like our beer, Utepils is an experience. One that you need to be present for to understand its beauty and what it truly “means” to you.
To Norwegians (and now hopefully you), Utepils is sipping the first beer outdoors, under the warm sun, after a long winter. But as you will see (and feel) for yourself, it’s different for everyone and has to be experienced to understand.
Ready to experience Utepils?
In our outside tent, we will be featuring: Pontoon Afternoon Raspberry Kolsch, Ewald the Golden Bavarian Hefeweizen, Skolsch, and Helles Lager. Inside the main bar we will be running Decision Fatigue Pale Ale.