*please check back for 2025 information

Kari Tauring
Kari Tauring is a Norse cultural educator, folk musician, and spiritual leader living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A völva, staff carrying woman, Kari began studying runes and Old Norse mythic poetry in 1989. With three Nordic musical recordings and a book and iPhone app for runes, Kari will entertain us from these ancient stories and songs. Seek her out for a Midsommar Rune Reading, a traditional time for divination in Norse culture.
Chad Filley
Chad Filley is an award-winning storyteller, author, and comedian from Cambridge, MN. His performances include a medley of stories about Scandinavian immigrants and their descendants, a story about Chad's grandmother, Lily Filley, and what would Scandinavian storytelling be without a tale about lutefisk! You can see more about Chad on his website: www.norskstoryteller.com.
Ginny Blood
Nordic Strolling Musician
Ginny Blood plays Norwegian, Danish and Danish American music using her recorder instruments. Look for her in either her Norwegian or Danish costume strolling the grounds or in the upstairs vendor area of the Buck 54 building.
Frozen North Queen Elsa
Princess Greta's company Fun at First Sight Fairytale Parties provides a character entertainment company based out of Jordan, Minnesota. Their goal is to deliver high-quality, magical, and authentic entertainment for children. https://funatfirstsightfairytaleparties.com/