Iceland Hekla Club
The Icelandic Hekla Club was founded on January 30, 1925 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is the oldest, continuously meeting Icelandic organization in the United States. In 2020 it is proud to be celebrating 95 years of bringing people and Iceland together.
The Icelandic Hekla Club is organized exclusively:
- To educate the public through the promotion of Icelandic educational and cultural opportunities.
- To cooperate and/or participate in activities that support and promote Icelandic social, educational, and cultural themes.
- To promote fellowship among members and involve the Icelandic community cooperative endeavors that support connections between Minnesota and Iceland
- To provide a means of reaching those of Icelandic descent and those interested in Iceland.
- To support the Val Björnson Icelandic Exchange Scholarship between the University of Minnesota and Haskóli Íslands (University of Iceland).
Icelandic National League of the United States
We are a vibrant community of individuals, families, Icelandic organizations and businesses that bring Icelandic culture and heritage alive throughout the United States.
We offer interesting topics in blogs, newsletters and on social media along with hosting speakers for webinars and presentations related to Iceland and Icelanders.
We host arts, music, recipes, Icelandic language lessons, authors and more.
We award Scholarships and Heritage Grants in support of our mission, as a nonprofit organization.
NAGA - Norwegian American Genealogical Association
Our mission is to expand knowledge of and encourage interest in Norwegian ancestry and heritage through exchanging ideas related to genealogical research and methods.
We provide information on topics of interest to members, encourage the writing of family, emigration, immigration and settlement histories, through the collection and preservation of Norwegian genealogical reference materials for people researching their Norwegian ancestry.
Sons of Norway
The purposes and goals of the Founders were to protect members of Sons of Norway and their families from the financial hardships experienced during times of sickness or death in the family. Over time, the mission of Sons of Norway has expanded to include the preservation of Norwegian heritage and culture in our Society. We have grown since our beginning and are now the largest Norwegian organization outside Norway.
Telelaget of America
Telelaget of America is dedicated to preserving and promoting the history, culture, and customs of the Telemark region of Norway. Through educational programs, events, and resources, we aim to connect individuals with their Telemark heritage and foster a greater understanding and appreciation of our shared roots. www.telelagetofamerica.com
Northern Woman Productions
Northern Woman Productions Promote Viking events in Minnesota. www.facebook.com/NorthernWomanProductions

Uniting into a sisterhood, women who wish to preserve Norwegian heritage; maintain among members a knowledge of the history, culture and language of Norway; and build a strong support system and bond of friendship within the sisterhood.
Norway House is a forward-thinking, international business and culture organization in Minneapolis, Minnesota dedicated to establishing, renewing, and advancing connections between contemporary Norway and the United States through education and partnerships centered around the arts, business, and culture.
Mindekirken --Norwegian Church Minneapolis
It was 1922 when Norwegian immigrants, wishing to worship in their own native language founded Den Norske Lutherske Mindekirke – known by everyone today as Mindekirken. Mindekirken is still a home for Norwegians and all those interested in experiencing the rich cultural heritage Mindekirken has to offer! Visitors from Norway come to Mindekirken for worship as they do in Norway and a good visit over a strong cup of coffee!
Mindekirken enjoys a rich cultural experience – through language, music, arts and food. The church serves as a link between the Midwest and Norway. Mindekirken is honored to have His Majesty King Harald V as our patron.
What is our Mission?
Mindekirken is called to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all people, empowering service to others. Mindekirken practices its ministry through Norwegian traditions, culture and language.
Come experience all that Mindekirken has to offer!
Du er hjertelig velkommen! You are heartily welcome!
Sami Cultural Center of North America
The organization is dedicated to education about Sami and Sami-North American history and culture and to serve the Sami immigrant North American population and other interested people.
Environmental issues and spiritual connections to nature are of great importance to Sami people and are emphasized by the organization which is solely dedicated to the Sami in North America. www.samiculturalcenter.org